Do you feel as though you’re mindlessly hopping along with your cute bunny whiskers and your floppy bunny ears with nothing truly Jesus happening in your life? You keep waiting, but time is slipping away from you. Are you tired of the empty cycle of church-wait-repeat”? Jesus never intended for you to live that way! He wants to teach you personally, one on one. Every day can be an adventure with him! (Jesus IS the Red Rabbit.)
Blue Rabbits don’t intend to deceive you. They have been deceived themselves. They think they are right. And who can blame them? The Bible translation they use is filled with errors. They have been robbed of the truth. And they, in turn, rob you.
6521 times, the name Jehovah shows up in the Hebrew text. The King James Version only translates it as “Jehovah” four times. (If you don’t believe me, get an electronic copy of the KJV that has Strong’s numbers and search on Jehovah. Then search on H3068.) The KJV calls him “the LORD” the rest of the time. Jehovah means “The Eternal I Am,” not “the Lord.” So why did they do that? When they translated the Hebrew Scripture into the Greek Septuagint a few hundred years before Jesus was born, Jewish tradition did not write or speak the name of God. Instead, they called him “the Lord.” They had erased the name of God. They turned him into “He whose name must not be spoken.” Foolishly, the KJV followed suit. Many modern English Bibles follow the KJV’s lead. How very Blue Rabbit of them.
Okay, that’s rather benign! No big deal.
How English Bibles mistranslate Gehenna is not benign. Your Bible translates Gehenna as Hell. That is another Jewish tradition and not Scriptural. Gehenna does not exist yet. Jesus will create it when he returns. Jesus taught that if believers live for the lust of their flesh, they are going to go into it. They will never see Heaven. Old Testament prophecy says that two-thirds of all believers will fail Jesus’ Judgment Seat, be cut off, and die. Jesus warned you about following the lust of your flesh. You will be thrown into Gehenna, body and soul. Your body will burn forever, constantly regenerating. You will feel every lick of the flame, every bite of the worm. Jesus said even calling another person stupid might put you there. But I’m sure Blue Rabbit has taught you all about this.
He didn’t? Huh! How very curious. See? You can trust Blue Rabbit. He loves you!
I grew up in Blue Rabbit world, but Jesus rescued me. I first saw Jesus when I was a teenager, trapped in the abyss of sin. “Jesus, help Me!” I said. Suddenly he stood right in front of me. Every hair on my body stood on end, hairs I didn’t even know I had. “He’s real!” I thought. He didn’t say anything, just reached out his hand and touched my forehead. Peace such as I have never felt since flooded through me. And then he was gone. I have not stopped following hard after him.
Even then, Blue Rabbit cast his spell over me. It took years for Jesus to teach me his way instead. I had to learn to think as he does.
If you stay in Red Rabbit Hole long enough, you will have a personal encounter with Jesus himself. He manifests himself to all those who love and seek him. He longs so very greatly to teach you one-on-one!
(Jesus doesn’t talk to you? Then you definitely need the Red Rabbit Hole! You can’t afford to live without Jesus.)
Blue Rabbit’s words are a very powerful spell! His cozy gospel costs you nothing. He sounds so safe and secure! Such calming authority! You can trust him! You hop through life in a warm fuzzy trance. You never wake up to the matrix of lies he’s spun for you. But, just as a hypnotist makes people hop around and cluck like a chicken, Blue Rabbit blinds people so that they read right over what the Bible says without even seeing it. People defend Blue Rabbit’s delusions to their graves.
So, you can keep hopping along the Blue Rabbit bunny trail and believe whatever you want to believe. Or, you can hop down the Red Rabbit Hole and find out just how deep it goes. The Red Rabbit Hole offers you the truth, nothing more. It will tell you what the Bible says. Then you decide.
It may be jarring for you to see the things that are in the Red Rabbit Hole. Red Rabbit will likely deprogram much of what Blue Rabbit World has taught you. But it will be the truth. You can look it up for yourself and you can let Jesus explain it to you. Then you will see how very much the Blue Rabbit has bedazzled you. You will have to decide – the Blue Rabbit or the Bible. The Red Rabbit Hole cannot make up your mind for you. You have to do that for yourself.
You don’t have the years it took for the truth to set me free. You can’t hop along at that pace. You simply don’t have the time. The end of all things is upon you. The final war is being fought. Last stop, Earth. And your soul hangs in the balance. More and more ministers speak with demon voices. The devil doesn’t need the Antichrist as long as he has them.
Contents of the PDF:
The Crucified Life
The core of Jesus’ Gospel is explained. If you grew up in Blue Rabbit World, you probably have never heard it, and it will be a shock to you. It was to me. “Surely Red Rabbit is wrong!” But, no, Jesus did not die for you, he died with you. The Bible has always said this. The bad thief demanded Jesus take him down off of the cross. He did not gain Paradise. Unless you live the crucified life, you do not have a covenant with God.
Praise and Worship
Did you know that Jesus goes to church to worship the Father with you? “Oh magnify Jehovah (the Father) with me! Let us exalt his name together!” “My tongue shall speak of your praise all the day long.” Jesus does not worship himself. His Spirit within you cries, “Abba, Father!” When was the last time Jesus worshiped his Father through you? Find out what true worship is and learn to recognize the Blue Rabbit fakes.
The Holy Spirit
Understanding the person and the roles of the Holy Spirit is vital for you to walk in the blessing of Abraham because the Holy Spirit IS the blessing of Abraham. Learn to recognize all the fruits and all the gifts of the Spirit as they move in you, speaking the words and will of Jesus to you. Jesus is preparing you for eternity, not just for tomorrow’s whim. Learn to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in all things.
Using himself as an example, Jesus taught three foundations of faith. They are not taught today. (Partly, this is because of bad English translations.) But without them, the principles of faith will hardly function. Find out what the number one killer of faith is. (And it is not fear or doubt.)
Perfect love for God casts out all fear of punishment because perfect love for God never sins. Blue Rabbit’s “no fear” doctrines place the believer at war with God. Many of the fruits of the Holy Spirit manifest as fear and you ignore them to your own peril. Fear tells you when you are in danger. Find out why “no fear” can cripple your Christian walk and destroy you in the end. For good reason, Jesus commanded you to fear the consequence of Gehenna.
Gehenna (Hinnom)
Your mental image of Hell is probably that of Hades, the place where your soul goes if you die in your sins. But Gehenna is where you will go both resurrected body and soul when Jesus returns if you fail his judgment seat. For eternity, people will come to watch and listen to your naked regenerating worm-eaten body burn over and over. Your trapped soul will feel every lick of the flame, every munch of the worm as they eat their way through your nether parts. That is Gehenna.
Not a single person has ever yet gone to Gehenna. Old Testament prophecies state that Jesus will terraform the Hinnom Valley – Gehenna, in the Greek – into the lake of fire burning with tar and sulfur at his second coming. Jesus himself warned of this. You will not go into the fires of Gehenna because of your sins, but because of how you treated Jesus and those who believe on him. Hell is not what you need to be worried about.
When you go in the rapture, you will be gathered in Jerusalem to face the judgment seat of Christ. Resurrected goat believers will go into the fires of Gehenna, along with the Beast and the False Prophet. Jesus will not be deciding who is a goat and who is a sheep: God the Father will tell him which is which. Sheep believers will then go on to Heaven to the marriage supper of the Lamb. Goat believers will never see Heaven.
Blue Rabbit has lied to you. If you live after this life and your flesh’s desires as a believer, you will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven (1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-211, Ephesians 5:3-6). You will die (Romans 8:13). If you abuse the blood of Jesus and trample it underfoot like a pig with pearls (Hebrews 10:26-31)… find out what the Bible says about Gehenna before it’s too late for you.
Money Matters
Find out what the Bible really says about money and the believer. Hint: New Covenant believers were never told to tithe. Tithing is a Blue Rabbit scam that robs you both in the here-and-now and for all of eternity. Prosperity in the New Covenant does not come from any of the Old Testament principles like tithing or meditating on the Word day and night. (Both were given to people who were not born again and who did not have the Holy Spirit.) It is tied to one single thing. Without it, you will not truly prosper but will live spiritual paycheck to paycheck, no different than the unbelievers around you. Find out what that thing is.
The Red Rabbit End-Time Timeline
Find out the end-time timeline big picture so you will know how all the smaller pieces fit into it. Blue Rabbit loves to keep you in a panic mode about end-time events. “It’s the mark of the Beast!” “It’s the one-world government!” And why wouldn’t he? It sells books and videos and stirs up donations. (This book is FREE! And you have far more important things to do with your money than to give it to me. See Money Matters above.)
Find out the events that must happen before Jesus returns, events you will plainly see with your own eyes. But be warned! Waiting till just before the rapture to get right is a foolish virgin’s errand. It is far more likely you will die suddenly before Jesus returns than it is the rapture will happen. The last war is being fought in the heavens, but the end is not yet. The pieces are not yet in place. Jerusalem has not yet rebuilt the temple.
Learn the timeline, then go work your Father’s fields. The time is short, and the laborers are few. Why should you be a pauper on the streets of Heaven?
Or, you can hop on down the Blue Rabbit bunny trail, smelling all the fake flowers along the way.
If you feel you absolutely must pay for this, then pay $10 forward to a person in need! Or, for the deluxe edition, you may pay $20 dollars forward!